
Hello, and welcome to my site.

My health journey started in 2010, when I realized I had some weight to lose and didn’t really know what to do about it. I have tried many plans, and failed almost all of them. Starting was easy, sticking to the plan was very difficult, especially when trying to do it on my own.

After many trials and fails, I decided that doing it alone was not the best strategy for me, so I reached out for help.

I joined a local Herbalife Nutrition Club, signed up for a 12 week Weight Loss Challenge and the rest is history. I lost 37 lbs in in my first Weight Loss Challenge, then kept on going, applying everything I learned until I lost 56 lbs … From 211 to 155 in less than 5 months. I so much liked the new Herbalife style that I stuck with it for good and this is probably one of the best choices I have made to improve my health.

My fave part is that I was able to help others do exactly the same, and everyone got simolar results.

Although taking control of one’s health is fairly simple, this is not an easy task.

If you would like to improve your health, Herbalife might be a good way to go, too.

Please do not hesitate to reach out and I would love to help you.


Alina @ SSTW